Taken: Inside the Alien-Human Abduction Agenda (2013)
Dr Karla Turner Ph.D.
ISBN: 978-1495902758
After several years of being out of print and becoming a bit of a collectors item; TAKEN, the startling accounts of alien abduction as documented by the late Karla Turner, has been refreshed and reissued faithfully with the sole input and authorization from husband Elton Turner.With a new foreword written by the legendary Nick Pope who with 21 years of experience at the British Government’s Ministry of Defence and an incredible history of research and broadcasting, puts it best that Taken is a real ‘researcher’s book’. This is the ultimate investigation of the paranormal links between humans and ‘other worldly’ beings.
Paperback (Amazon)

Into the Fringe: A True Story of Alien Abduction (2014)
Dr Karla Turner Ph.D.
ISBN: 978-1490459080
Following the 2013 reissue of TAKEN, a book that has been out of print for several years and fetched excessive amounts amongst collectors and those wishing to get their hands on such a legendary piece of non-fiction, INTO THE FRINGE is where it all began for Dr Karla Turner and her family. As with the reissue of TAKEN, INTO THE FRINGE is an officially authorized republication with the sole input of Karla Turner’s widower Elton. Endorsed and approved by Elton Turner with the highest respect for the importance of the story; we excitedly bring INTO THE FRINGE to the 21st century.Into the Fringe documents the account of alien abduction and how Karla Turner, along with her family, uncovered the memories and physical evidence of their encounters with beings from outside of our own planet.
“This brave and defiant refusal, in the name of humanity, to countenance suffering from an alien tyrant masquerading as a benefactor, is Karla Turner’s final legacy.”
John Chambers, UFO Magazine
Paperback (Amazon)
Kindle (Amazon)

The Uninvited: The True Story of Ripperston Farm (2015)
Clive Harold
ISBN: 978-1071008355
Originally published in 1979 – The Uninvited is the true story of an ordinary family living in South Wales who found themselves entangled in a series of unearthly encounters in 1977. At first the manifestations were minor. UFOs were sighted in the area, huge burnt patches were found in the fields, television sets and cars blew all of their wiring…but before long the Coombs family was visited by weird lights, huge white figures and a glowing disembodied hand. Their lives were disrupted and they were terrified by something unidentifiable and unimaginable. They were a focus for The Uninvited.
Paperback (Amazon)
Kindle (Amazon)

Under Constant Supervision (2020)
CJ Thomson
ISBN: 979-8633845419
Now more than ever, freedom is lost through computers, mobile devices and even household goods…
Under Constant Supervision is a fact-driven exposé on the realities of the global surveillance in operation for decades by our governments and the technology companies we rely on.
With justifications like national security, online safety, copyright protection and health; honest citizens, many unwittingly or unknowingly, are victims of mass data harvesting with every purchase or registration leading to the sale of their personal liberty and information.
Featuring locations of surveillance stations, photographs, leaked documents and interviews; Under Constant Supervision is a thoroughly researched and comprehensive look at what goes on behind the scenes and how it has evolved into one of the largest – yet almost unstoppable – effects of the modern world.
BookRefine Publishing has also published the entire repository of leaks, high-definition photos and satellite images as well as archived news article mirrors on GitHub for readers to absorb.
Paperback (Blurb)
Paperback (Amazon)
Kindle (Amazon)
Please note: the year indicates the initial release via BookRefine Publishing.